444 machine-generated haiku from lost dog listings


Lost Pittie mix wanders Skittish, silent, 35 pounds Check cameras, offer space

dog image
Craigslist post:

Lost Dog since 9/25/24 (West Oakland and surrounding neighborhoods)

Dear neighbors of 12th St, Pine St, Mandela Pkwy, Wood St, Pullman Way, and Adeline St, please check your outdoor cameras around 8pm and onwards on and after 9/25 to see if our 35lb short-haired Pittie mix passed by or is hiding on your property. She is super skittish and will not respond to her name. Kindly allow her LOTS of space and call us at show contact info , day or night if seen. She is microchipped and spayed. We are checking the shelters and putting up flyers. Thank you for your support and kindness!

Oakland, CA

Posted 9/28/24 12:00