In the stillness, she haunts the shadows of absence‚ a chihuahua's light.
Craigslist post:
Black female chihuahua (Los lunas área)
My small black Chihuahua is missing! She is 4 years old, weighs only 7 pounds, and has a lung condition that requires daily medication. Without it, she could get very sick, so time is critical! Please, if you have seen her or have any information, contact me immediately—no questions asked, there is a reward for her safe return. She was last seen at the Valencia High School football game. Afterward, we dropped off my son’s friends in the BF area. If you are in or around this area, please keep an eye out and share this message! Your help is deeply appreciated! We are completely heartbroken.
Albuquerque, NM
Posted 9/22/24 16:26