Rottweiler mix lost hit by car on Sunday morn heartbroken family
Craigslist post:
Lost Rottweiler mix (Thomaston)
Please see the attached flyers which have details about our missing and probably injured dog. He was hit by a car at about 10 am on Sunday 9/8 and ran off, and was never located after this. We were visiting from NJ, so he doesn't know the area. Heartbreakingly, we had to go home without him, but we will drive up in a heartbeat if he's located. (He is microchipped and the company said they alerted all rescues, vets and shelters within a 10 mile radius, but when we started calling around, it seems like very few, if any, facilities actually received the alert.) If he turns up in your facility, please know that he is NOT abandoned but a cherished family member who we will drop everything to come retrieve.
Thomaston, ME
Posted 024-09-13 13:20