444 machine-generated haiku from lost dog listings


Leash hangs empty, still, whispers of paws on soft grass‚ night cries for Izzie.

dog image
Craigslist post:

Missing dog (Royal palm Beach)

Did you know? It's the law! * Finders of lost animals are required by law to make a reasonable effort to locate the pet's owner. In Florida, pets are considered property and IT'S AGAINST THE LAW to keep or give away someone's property. Anyone who finds a pet should assume it's lost and immediately notify animal control units, animal shelters and humane societies in their area, and then conduct a thorough search for the owner. LOST DOGS FLOR/DA Not only is it the right thing to do, IT'S ALSO THE LAW! www.LostDogsFlorida.org Day 6 our Izzie still missing __ LOST DOGS GEORGIA

West Palm Beach, FL

Posted 10/4/24 22:46