444 machine-generated haiku from lost dog listings


Three-legged Charlie runs, White stroke marks Cali's blue face‚ Empty home awaits.

dog image
Craigslist post:

LOST DOGS (REWARD $200.00) (Etowah county close to Gaston High school)

I'm missing two dogs one is black and white and he only has three legs his name is Charlie he's part Pitbull part Mastiff, then there's the blue pit Cali she looks like she had a stroke on one half of her face their mother and son if anybody has seen them please let me know. I am offering a reward to get my dogs back. They were last seen two roads down from the Gaston High School on Holcomb Drive if you have any information please contact me like I said I'm offering a reward for the safe return of my dogs

Etowah County, AL

Posted 8/21/24 8:20